

Discuss whether Article 8 ECHR is destined to fail to protect migrants because the conceptual framework is dictated by concepts such as “state sovereignty”, the “core or nuclear family” and “integration”.’


Discuss whether the ways in which human rights law has addressed religious freedom is indicative of a human rights model in which minorities are only protected if they align with the values that the European Court of Human Rights has identified as inherent in the European Convention on Human Rights. Does this have the effect of suppressing multi-culturalism?


What is the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) and how does it achieve the goals of Brexit?


How the Job Retention Scheme demonstrated the failings of British Labour Law?


As a result of its intense focus on the state of the defendant’s conscience, does equity fail to strike a fair balance between the interests of beneficiaries and third-party recipients of trust assets?


Is there a single explanation which adequately captures the nature of a beneficiary’s rights under a trust?